The State Of Vision: Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

If you have something against someone, explode and get it off your chest. Then commune with yourself by calming down and constructing a scene which would imply everything was perfect in your life. Fall into the depth of self, using as many of your senses as possible to achieve the vision you desire to appear.

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The Spiritual Cause: Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

I urge everyone to think of time as precious! Use each and every moment to plant a seed of thought you want to experience. Then, when your thoughtful seed is harvested, remember the moment of planting; for every natural effect has a spiritual cause which happens the moment you dare to assume your desire is real.

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The Spirit Within: Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

But every mystic worthy of the name knows that a true judgment need not conform to the external facts to which it relates... so I know that a true judgment need not conform to the external facts to which it relates. Satan insists that it must, but truth (called Jesus Christ) tells us that it need not be so.

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The Sphere Within: Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

Some schools of thought will tell you that you were born blind because of karma; but I say to you: you were born blind, deaf, limited, weak, or poor - not because your parents sinned, or you sinned, but that the works of God may be made manifest.

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