Biblical Language: Neville Goddard Text lecture

"If you will believe in your own wonderful, imaginative world, everything will be under your control... And you will know that everyone in your world is within you, to be contacted at will. That no one can escape you; and when you rise within yourself, everyone rises with you. That is the story of scripture."

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Believe In Him: Neville Goddard lecture – Audio & Text Archive

"He sent me to tell you that if you believe my experiences, you will also do the works that I do. If not, you will not do them, for there is no other way to salvation. Unless these mystical experiences unfold in you, you will never leave this world of death to live in the world of life."

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Behold The Dreamer Cometh – Neville Goddard lecture – icebluezen

"He sent me to tell you that if you believe my experiences, you will also do the works that I do. If not, you will not do them, for there is no other way to salvation. Unless these mystical experiences unfold in you, you will never leave this world of death to live in the world of life."

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Awake Oh Sleeper – Neville Goddard Text and Audio lecture Archive

"Regardless of what man seems to achieve here, the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of the Lord. And the strength of man here is the weakness of God. Yet this world has purpose, for man has to pass through it in order to enter into eternal life."

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An Inner Conviction: Neville Goddard Text and Audio lecture Archive

"If I desire to be wealthy, I may not know how long it will take me to reach the conviction that I possess great wealth, but when I feel wealth is mine I have conceived. Conception is my end. The length of time between my desire and its conception depends entirely upon my inner conviction that it is done."

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All Things Are Possible: Neville Goddard Text and Audio lecture Archive

"You do not have to persuade others to help you; all you need do is believe you are what you want to be and then let the world - which is nothing more than yourself pushed out - go to work to make your assumption possible. I promise you: your desire will be fulfilled, for all things are possible to him who believes"

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All Things Are Possible 1967 – Neville Goddard Text and Audio lectures

"Having assumed the life you now live, no one can take it from you but yourself. You have the power to lay it down by no longer being conscious of it, and the power to pick it up again through consciousness"

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OUT OF THIS WORLD – Thinking Fourth Dimensionally – Neville Goddard

All changes take place in consciousness. The future, although prepared in every detail in advance, has several outcomes. At every moment of our lives we have before us the choice of which of several futures we will choose.

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