A Prophecy | Neville Goddard Text & Audio Lectures

In this world of Caesar it could take an hour, a day, a week, or a month, to awaken the desire within and project it on the screen of space. But you must enter into the image and remain there, just as God did in the foundation of time, in order to make you, himself.

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Catch The Mood – Neville Goddard Audio and Text lecture Archive

"In my imagination, I go and prepare the state. I actually go into the state and fill that state with my own being, and view the world from that state. I don't think of it; I think from it. When I think from it, I'm actually preparing that state"

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Building Your Temple: Neville Goddard lecture

"At the present moment someone is treading the wine press of hate, and - unrestrained - the thought is sent on its wings of feeling. Perhaps sitting in a dungeon this night, someone is treading the wine press of war, and some little boy out in the field catches the idea and wanting to be a hero dreams of becoming a great general, commanding the destruction of the world."

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