HE WAKES IN ME- Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

Man has been taught to believe that a man was crucified on a wooden tree, taken down from it, and put into a grave - and it isn’t so at all. Christ, the great Messiah, is buried in you as your creative power and wisdom, which is God’s creative power and wisdom lowered to this level.

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HE IS MY RESURRECTION – Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

In the meanwhile don’t neglect the law of God which is: An assumption will harden into fact. If an assumption creates its own reality then there is no such thing as fiction. I may forget what I assumed today and when it appears, I may not recognize my own harvest, but it could not enter my world had I not brought it in by an imaginal act.

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HE WAKES IN ME – Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

Man has been taught to believe that a man was crucified on a wooden tree, taken down from it, and put into a grave - and it isn’t so at all. Christ, the great Messiah, is buried in you as your creative power and wisdom, which is God’s creative power and wisdom lowered to this level.

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HIS TO GIVE YOURS TO RECEIVE – Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

We are called, one by one, into His presence. Fusing with God, we are “sent,” and the one “sent” and the one who sends him are one - they are not two. So, the Sender and the “sent” are really one from that moment on in Eternity, for that one discovers who God really is.

Continue ReadingHIS TO GIVE YOURS TO RECEIVE – Neville Goddard Lecture Archive