SONS OF THE MOST HIGH : Neville Goddard Lecture Archives

Everyone reflects my assumptions and plays their part relative to that which I have assumed, for there is nothing but Imagination, and I am he. Assuming I am afraid, I live in a world of fear, for there is no other. Being protean, I am playing every part in my dream of life, be it for my good or for my ill.

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SIGNS FROM ABOVE : Neville Goddard Lecture Archives

You entered this world of sin and death for the impregnation and ultimate departure from it. While you are here, you may own all of the treasures, have its people worship and adore you - if that is your desire. But when you leave it, you will simply assume a new body in a terrestrial world like this one, to continue your same journey of slavery.

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Self In Self and Risen: Neville Goddard Audio & Text Lecture Archive

Are you going to see Jesus Christ as a man of flesh, when you knew him to be, in the beginning, Spirit? It was in Spirit that David called him, “Father”; it is in the Spirit that you will be called, “Father.”

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Seeing Christ Through The Eyes Of Paul : Neville Goddard Lecture

Paul teaches that the power of God and the wisdom of God is crucified and buried in Man, and from that state of death will he rise. Now seeing Christ as his human imagination Paul confesses: "I once regarded Christ from a human point of view; I regard him thus no longer."

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Seedtime And Harvest : Neville Goddard Lecture Archives

Must you change before I will change my attitude towards you? We know that if you do change I will change my attitude towards you, but must I go through life simply reflecting these changes in the objects, and can I not deliberately determine the change prior to the change in the object?

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Secret Of Imagination: Neville Goddard Lecture Archives

He hears you if you commune with Self, because you believe that communion with Self was communion with God. Can you, now, assume that you are the one that you would like to be? Can you assume that one that you love is as you would like her, or would like him, to be? Can you really believe that you are answered?

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