Affirm The Reality Of Your Own Greatness | Neville Goddard Lectures
"Whitehead has defined religion as that which a man does with his solitude. I should like to add - I believe it is what a man is in his solitude."
"Whitehead has defined religion as that which a man does with his solitude. I should like to add - I believe it is what a man is in his solitude."
"If you desire health, you must assume it, even though the doctor’s reasoning world produces proof to the contrary. You must be ever aware that they are not your God, that there is only one God and his name is I Am."
"God the Father placed you in this particular age, as it is best suited for the work he is doing on himself in you. He did it willingly, prepared to accept all the consequences of this confused world of beings, with all of its tangles and enigmas. This he did in Jesus Christ in you, for Christ is God’s power and his wisdom buried in us all.
In this world of Caesar it could take an hour, a day, a week, or a month, to awaken the desire within and project it on the screen of space. But you must enter into the image and remain there, just as God did in the foundation of time, in order to make you, himself.
Now back in 1954, I awoke from a dream hearing these words: “You do not move in waking any more than you move on your bed in sleep. It is all a movement of mind"
"If you are suffering - Christ is suffering, for his name is I Am, and there is no other Christ. God actually became flesh and dwells in you. Once you realize this you will never turn to another".
"So you and I can be anything in this world we desire to be if we will clearly define our aim in life and constantly occupy that aim. It must be habitual".
"In my imagination, I go and prepare the state. I actually go into the state and fill that state with my own being, and view the world from that state. I don't think of it; I think from it. When I think from it, I'm actually preparing that state"
"The future dream must become a present fact in the mind of him who seeks to realize it. "We must experience in imagination what we would experience in reality in the event we achieved our goal, for the soul imagining itself into a situation takes on the results of that imaginary act."
"Let us set ourselves, here and now, a daily exercise of controlling and disciplining our imagination. What finer beginning than to imagine better than the best we know for a friend. There is no coal of character so dead that it will not glow and flame if but slightly turned"