I AM IN YOU | Neville Goddard Audio and Text Lecture Archive

"You were chosen in him before the drama we call the world began. And any suffering you may go through here means nothing. Paul knew this and said: 'I consider the sufferings of the present time not worth comparing to the glory which is to be revealed in us.'"

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HE IS DREAMING NOW | Neville Goddard Audio and Text Lectures

"That's how I will prove to you that I will die and rise in you. I will give you myself and the only way I could ever give you myself is to give you my most precious possession; and my most priceless possession is my son David."

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HE DREAMS IN ME | Neville Goddard Audio and Text Lectures

Awakening in the morning, you think you had a wonderful dream last night; yet while you were dreaming, the experience was a reality. Awake - the dream becomes subjective. Why? Because you have once more merged with this section of time. While you are experiencing the dream, it is objective and real...

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HAVE YOU FOUND HIM | Neville Goddard Audio and Text Lectures

May I say to all of you: if you haven’t found him, don’t despair. When I found him it just happened, and if it happened to me it will happen to everyone. But in this heavenly order there are certain levels, as there are in this world.

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Christ Is Your Life | Neville Goddard Text & Audio Lectures

Whatever you are beholding in your mind’s eye, you will produce in your outer world. It is just as simple as that. I hope you are beholding your fulfilled desire in your mind’s eye; for scripture tells you that: “Whatever you desire, believe you have received it and you will.”

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Christ In Man | Neville Goddard Audio and Text Lectures

“How long, O Lord, must I forgive the brother who sins against me? Seventy times seven.” Do it and do it and do it until you succeed in letting go of the past and seeing what you wish in its place. Persist and persist and persist until you can actually let it go.

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All Powerful Human Words | Neville Goddard Audio and Text Lectures

"So, even though you are ignorant of the Law, you are the operant power, operating that Law of which you may be totally unaware. But there’s no excuse. You will still reap the results, as my friend reaped the results of the loss of weight, which she could ill afford"

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