Jesus Christ – Neville Goddard Audio & Text Lecture Archive

Jesus Christ is not a man! He is not a person, but God's plan of redemption which must be discovered and understood. To enter this world one must wear a body of flesh and blood; yet we are told that flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. It takes a spiritual body to enter that kingdom and my words are spirit!

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Jeremiah’s Discovery – Neville Goddard Audio & Text Lecture Archive

Restricted by all the weaknesses and limitations of the flesh, the body you wear decays - but it is not you. It is a mask that you, the Lord God of hosts, is wearing. One day you will know this from experience; and then - no matter what the world will say - you will know the truth, and in that knowing you will be set free.

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IS CHRIST YOUR IMAGINATION ? Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

So is Christ your imagination? I say Christ is the power and the wisdom of God, and this power and this wisdom creates everything in the world. I can trace to my own being an imaginal act that became fact, then I repeated it and it became fact.

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