Who Is Paul Really ? : Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

Paul is not mentioned in any non-Biblical work of the 1st Century, outside of the Bible, and yet he wrote so many letters seemingly from jail, and they have been recorded. Yet, there is no record of any Paul being in the jail.

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Where Is Golgotha ? : Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

And we think that we are completely awake. We are doing all things here fully conscious, not knowing that we are dreaming, and the dream is projected, as it is when you dream at night. It’s a dream within a dream, and this is the dream.

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Where Are You Staying ? : Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

When you find your own wonderful human imagination to be the Creative Power of the world, you will find it a “wild vine,” where you have misused this talent and imagined every unlovely thing in the world. Now, when you find it, you must prune it,

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Where Are You From ? : Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

The Biblical view of time is: what appears to be so new in our world is only the appearance of the return of phenomena already old. The whole vast would is moving on a circle, and all of this is already so, so that the entire space-time history of the world is laid out and we only become aware of increasing portions of it sequentially.

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What Is Truth (2) ? : Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

Do you think you are going to bring peace on earth? He said, “I did not come to bring peace; I came to bring a sword, to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies are those of his own household.”

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What Is Truth ? : Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

While on the cross, Jesus said: “I thirst.” You may think he is thirsting for water, but his thirst was caused by the famine which is sent upon the land. It is not a hunger for bread or a thirst for water, but for the hearing of the word of God.

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What Are You Doing ? : Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

The moment you think of influence, you reduce a miracle to magic. All the people in the world are only yourself pushed out. No one has the power to hold you back or promote you, for you are self-promoted or self-restricted.

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Walk On The Water: Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

Prove your thoughts have creative power by consciously imaging constantly, and walk on the water. No matter what happens in the course of a day, revise it. Make the day conform to what you want it to be, and you are walking on the water.

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Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens Neville Goddard lecture Archive

"When one hears the story and believes it, he goes out to lift the weight of every cross. Seeing someone struggle to pay rent or buy food because he is financially embarrassed, Simon lifts his cross by seeing the man gainfully employed. He does this because he knows he is doing it only to himself, as there cannot be another. As a psychological act, he represents the other to himself as he would like to see that other, and to the degree he is self-persuaded that what he imagined is true, it will become true."

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