Truth The Word Of God : Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

When you see another in want, you repent by persuading yourself he is affluent. To the degree you can believe this truth you bathe in the baptismal prime waters. Only when you act and prove repentance, in performance, are you baptized in the true sense of the word.

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Trust In God : Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

In spite of everything you do, have done, or will do, God will forgive you - for you are his emanation, his wife till the sleep of death is past. Regardless of the garment you wear, be it male or female, you are God's wife in this world. In symbolism however, God's wife appears in the form of a female.

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True Forgiveness : Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

So you cannot truly forgive unless you can discriminate between the being who occupies the part he is playing, and the part itself. Then you can identify him with what you know he would like to be, and to the degree that you are self-persuaded that he is occupying the new state, he will become it.

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The Source : Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

Having no desire to accumulate things, this giant of a man taught this little boy a marvellous lesson for all of us to remember. When you see your reflection, whether in a mirror or in the surface of a pool, you are looking into the face of God.

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The Sin Against The Holy Spirit: Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

“If I had not come and spoken unto them, they would not know sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.” He comes and shows man that causation is mental, that it is not physical – and now man has no excuse for his sin, missing the mark.

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The Shaping Of The Unbegotten: Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

“Many suppose that before the Creation, all was solitude and chaos. This is the most pernicious idea that can enter the mind, as it takes away all sublimity from the Bible and limits all existence to creation and to chaos.”

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The Secret Of Prayer: Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

Prayer is psychological movement. It is the art of moving from a problem to its solution. When a friend calls, telling of a problem, we hang up, and I move from the problem state to its solution by hearing the same lady tell me the problem is now solved.

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