FULFILLMENT OF GOD’S PLAN- Neville Goddard – Lecture Archive

"Never was there a time when you were not. Nor shall there ever come a time when you shall cease to be. Beginnings and ends are all dreams. It seems so real, but they’re all dreams. But you have no beginning, no end. You are and that being is called in Scripture, God the Father."

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FREEDOM – Neville Goddard – Audio and Text Lecture Archive

"Perhaps you feel the need to blame another - to have a scapegoat and believe the cause to be something you ate or drank - but why did you do it? What caused you to do exactly what you did? A disturbance in you. The storm in you caused the gland to be out of kilter. The gland cannot be the cause of your distress, but your dream can."

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FOURFOLD VISION – Neville Goddard – Audio and Text Archive

"Having entered this dream of life, man has forgotten where he laid himself down to sleep. Thoreau once said: "The truest life is to be in a dream, awake." Once this world was only a dream, but man became so intense, he awoke in his dream and turned to single vision in place of reality."

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FOLLOW THE PATTERN – Neville Goddard – Audio and Text Archive

"By exercising the divine art of imagination, you can prove to yourself that you can go beyond what your eyes, reason, and senses dictate. Exercise this art by daring to assume you are what your reason and senses deny you. Persist, and to the degree you are self-persuaded of its truth, the outer world will change, for it is forever conforming to the belief housed within you."

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Neville Goddard FAMILY PORTRAIT – Audio and Text Lecture Archive

"Religion is devotion. Religion is a tie to the most exalted Reality that one has experienced. So, what have you experienced to which you can tie yourself and say that that’s religion? The only true religion - you will find it in the Gospel. That is the fulfillment of God's promises to man."

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Neville Goddard FAITH IN GOD – Audio and Text Lecture Archive

"Now test God by thinking of a friend. Hear him congratulate you on your good fortune. See his face light up with joy and feel his presence. Do that, and you have performed a magical act, for God has acted and all things are possible to God."

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Neville Goddard FAITH HOPE LOVE – Audio and Text Lecture Archive

"After you have experienced scripture, there is no power in the world that can persuade you that you were hallucinating, for when you experience this truth you are on a far greater level of awareness than anything known to man on this level."

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