GOD’S PLAN OF REDEMPTION Neville Goddard 1969 – Lecture Archive

"God has imagined himself as you. He has taken upon himself a garment of flesh and blood for a purpose. Having sent himself - God cannot return to himself empty - but must accomplish his purpose and prosper in the thing for which he was sent."

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GOD’S DWELLING PLACE- Neville Goddard – Audio and Text Archive

"Everything you can think of is present now. You cannot conceive of something that is not already worked out in detail; but it is a shadow if you do not dwell in it. It is just a possibility, but when you enter that shadow it seems the only substance. "

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GOD IS LIGHT- Neville Goddard – Audio and Text Lecture Archive

Imagine the most glorious thing in the world and - no matter how wonderful it is - may I tell you it is nothing compared to the being that you really are. Nothing in this world can come close to the being you really are.

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GOD GIVEN TALENT – Neville Goddard – Audio and Text Lecture Archive

Imagination is that non-objective reality from which all objects pour forth, just like sudden fancy. Everything in the world comes out of one’s own wonderful human imagination, for that is God. And there is no other god.

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GOD BECAME MAN – Neville Goddard – Audio and Text Lecture Archive

"We are the gods who assumed human form. Now playing all the parts in the world, in time we will lift the part we are now playing up to our true self, who is God the Father. Before we descended, we were the Elohim who deliberately created the play - then we entered our creation to redeem it."

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FUNDAMENTALS – Neville Goddard – Audio and Text Lecture Archive

"There is a definite connection between what is outer and what is inner in man, and it is ever our inner states that attract our outer life. Therefore, the individual must always start with himself. It is one's self that must be changed."

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