HE WAKES IN ME – Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

Man has been taught to believe that a man was crucified on a wooden tree, taken down from it, and put into a grave - and it isn’t so at all. Christ, the great Messiah, is buried in you as your creative power and wisdom, which is God’s creative power and wisdom lowered to this level.

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HIS TO GIVE YOURS TO RECEIVE – Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

We are called, one by one, into His presence. Fusing with God, we are “sent,” and the one “sent” and the one who sends him are one - they are not two. So, the Sender and the “sent” are really one from that moment on in Eternity, for that one discovers who God really is.

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HIS NAME – Neville Goddard Audio and Text Lecture Archive

"How could I blaspheme against the name of God? With God all things are possible, so his name is “I AM.” And I dare to say: “I am unwanted; I am poor; I am ill; I am completely ignored in this world.” Well, this is blasphemy against God."

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GRACE Versus LAW Neville Goddard Audio and Text Lecture Archive

"So, I will acquaint you with the law and show you how I operate it and how it works. But may I tell you: no matter how good you are in this world, no matter how wise you operate the law, it doesn’t in any way qualify you for the second radical change in your mind, which is called “grace”

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GOOD FRIDAY Neville Goddard Audio and Text Lecture Archive

"Right now just imagine you are in a sick room of some wonderful hospital, a ward. You see the case history. You heard the verdict of the doctor, and the man, seemingly, is dying. What would save that man from such a verdict? What would save him? A state of health by which he would rise from that bed and become a normal, healthy person in this world; that would save him."

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GOD’S WISEST CREATURE – Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

"The fall - in symbolism, is associated with the serpent. As God's wisest creature, he said to generic man (in the form of woman): "Did God say you would die?" and she answered: "Yes, if I ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." Then he made this statement: "God knows you will not surely die, but your eyes will be opened and you will become like the gods, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3)"

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GOD’S PROMISE TO MAN – Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

"One night I went to sleep quite normally in the city of San Francisco, and in the wee hours of the morning a most intense vibration was taking place in my head and I begin to awake. Instead of awakening on the bed in my hotel room, I am awakening in my skull to find my skull, not a room - my skull is a sepulcher, a tomb, and I am fully awake in my skull - alone."

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