Jesus Christ – Neville Goddard Audio & Text Lecture Archive

Jesus Christ is not a man! He is not a person, but God's plan of redemption which must be discovered and understood. To enter this world one must wear a body of flesh and blood; yet we are told that flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. It takes a spiritual body to enter that kingdom and my words are spirit!

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Jeremiah’s Discovery – Neville Goddard Audio & Text Lecture Archive

Restricted by all the weaknesses and limitations of the flesh, the body you wear decays - but it is not you. It is a mask that you, the Lord God of hosts, is wearing. One day you will know this from experience; and then - no matter what the world will say - you will know the truth, and in that knowing you will be set free.

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IS CHRIST YOUR IMAGINATION ? Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

So is Christ your imagination? I say Christ is the power and the wisdom of God, and this power and this wisdom creates everything in the world. I can trace to my own being an imaginal act that became fact, then I repeated it and it became fact.

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INFINITE STATES Neville Goddard Audio & Text Lecture Archive

There are unnumbered states and the occupant of one state is not better than the occupant of another, for each is a brother in the highest unity and all are one in the body of God the Father. But the state, the attitude of mind to which you most constantly return, constitutes your dwelling place.

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INFINITE POWER Neville Goddard Audio & Text Lecture Archive

Starting on the surface of my being, I teach the infinite power of the human imagination, not knowing to what extent it will be believed. Many are called to hear salvation's story. Few are chosen to believe it. Many will tell me they believe, but I find it is only lip service. I am not here to judge anyone.

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IMAGINING CREATES – Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

Last year, while I was in Barbados, a friend received a call from his mother telling him that his brother had killed a man. As he replaced the phone, a vision appeared in which a woman said: "Find Neville and he will give you the rainbow in the sky." My friend called me in Barbados, and when I heard his story I said: "It is done. God is infinite mercy, and there is nothing but forgiveness of sin."

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HE WAKES IN ME- Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

Man has been taught to believe that a man was crucified on a wooden tree, taken down from it, and put into a grave - and it isn’t so at all. Christ, the great Messiah, is buried in you as your creative power and wisdom, which is God’s creative power and wisdom lowered to this level.

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HE IS MY RESURRECTION – Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

In the meanwhile don’t neglect the law of God which is: An assumption will harden into fact. If an assumption creates its own reality then there is no such thing as fiction. I may forget what I assumed today and when it appears, I may not recognize my own harvest, but it could not enter my world had I not brought it in by an imaginal act.

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