The Book Of Job : Neville Goddard Audio | Text Lecture Archive

What has he done to me now? This far transcends anything that any just judge would put upon me for anything I might have done in my youth. They still try to persuade him. And so, as the Father said: “Even- handed is the justice of God. Even-handed.”

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The Bible’s Mystery : Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

We all came down into this world of death, not for punishment but for an experiment. We are all princes, sons of the Most High, who - dying like men - fell as one Man. At a certain moment in time one is called, then another, and eventually everyone will be called and incorporated into the one body of the Risen Lord.

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The Bible Your Biography : Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish in the sea, the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps over the earth.” Let us give him dominion

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The Battle Of Armageddon : Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

Neutrality is impossible. You cannot attach the new cloth to the old; it is all or nothing. You cannot put the new wine you are receiving into the old bottle, by being willing to go along with this new idea to a certain point, but not being willing to give up your belief in an external God,

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The Awakening of Faith : Neville Goddard Lecture Archive

When you look out on the world you may think you had nothing to do with its creation, but you did. You do not know it yet, because its purpose has not been revealed to you. But by the restriction and limitation of your own creative power, you became your created world that you may expand beyond it and create a still greater world for even further expansion of yourself.

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