Biblical Language: Neville Goddard Text lecture

"If you will believe in your own wonderful, imaginative world, everything will be under your control... And you will know that everyone in your world is within you, to be contacted at will. That no one can escape you; and when you rise within yourself, everyone rises with you. That is the story of scripture."

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Believe In Him: Neville Goddard lecture – Audio & Text Archive

"He sent me to tell you that if you believe my experiences, you will also do the works that I do. If not, you will not do them, for there is no other way to salvation. Unless these mystical experiences unfold in you, you will never leave this world of death to live in the world of life."

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Behold The Dreamer Cometh – Neville Goddard lecture – icebluezen

"He sent me to tell you that if you believe my experiences, you will also do the works that I do. If not, you will not do them, for there is no other way to salvation. Unless these mystical experiences unfold in you, you will never leave this world of death to live in the world of life."

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Before Abraham, Was I AM: Neville Goddard lecture Archives

"But there is another birth - a birth into freedom which is essential, for unless you are born from above you cannot enter the kingdom of God. And the womb from which that birth takes place is the human skull, called Jerusalem from above."

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Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens Neville Goddard lecture Archive

"When one hears the story and believes it, he goes out to lift the weight of every cross. Seeing someone struggle to pay rent or buy food because he is financially embarrassed, Simon lifts his cross by seeing the man gainfully employed. He does this because he knows he is doing it only to himself, as there cannot be another. As a psychological act, he represents the other to himself as he would like to see that other, and to the degree he is self-persuaded that what he imagined is true, it will become true."

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Barabbas Or Jesus – Neville Goddard Text and Audio lecture Archive

"Will you believe as you are seated here tonight, regardless of your present limitations, that the only door in to your success, in to your future as you would conceive it or desire it to be, there is only one door, and that door is - I Am"

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Awake Oh Sleeper – Neville Goddard Text and Audio lecture Archive

"Regardless of what man seems to achieve here, the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of the Lord. And the strength of man here is the weakness of God. Yet this world has purpose, for man has to pass through it in order to enter into eternal life."

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