The Artist Is GOD : Neville Goddard Lecture Archives

"When you pray, believe you have received it and you will." Prayer is not a lot of empty words, but imagination braced in feeling. Every Sunday people go to church, say the Lord's Prayer, and come out of the building just the same as they were when they went in.

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Test Yourselves : Neville Goddard Lecture Archives

If the morning’s mail brings bad news, don’t call the person and tell him he shouldn’t have written the letter, but revise it. Change the letter completely. When you answer the telephone test yourself again and hear only what you want to hear. Do as my friend does, for her telephone technique never fails her.

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Stone, Water or Wine: Neville Goddard Lecture Archives

In assigning to the Bible its proper meaning, it is necessary to remember that as mystical Scriptures it deals primarily, not with material things or persons, but with spiritual significations. The Bible is addressed not to the outer sense or reason, but to the soul.

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SPIRITUAL SENSATION: Neville Goddard Lecture Archives

Acting as your imagination, God will play every part He created in the beginning. And when every part has been played, the sum total of all the parts will appear as eternal youth, personified and called David, the anointed, the Christ-head, the messiah

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SONS OF THE MOST HIGH : Neville Goddard Lecture Archives

Everyone reflects my assumptions and plays their part relative to that which I have assumed, for there is nothing but Imagination, and I am he. Assuming I am afraid, I live in a world of fear, for there is no other. Being protean, I am playing every part in my dream of life, be it for my good or for my ill.

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