FUNDAMENTALS – Neville Goddard – Audio and Text Lecture Archive

"There is a definite connection between what is outer and what is inner in man, and it is ever our inner states that attract our outer life. Therefore, the individual must always start with himself. It is one's self that must be changed."

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FREEDOM – Neville Goddard – Audio and Text Lecture Archive

"Perhaps you feel the need to blame another - to have a scapegoat and believe the cause to be something you ate or drank - but why did you do it? What caused you to do exactly what you did? A disturbance in you. The storm in you caused the gland to be out of kilter. The gland cannot be the cause of your distress, but your dream can."

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FOURFOLD VISION – Neville Goddard – Audio and Text Archive

"Having entered this dream of life, man has forgotten where he laid himself down to sleep. Thoreau once said: "The truest life is to be in a dream, awake." Once this world was only a dream, but man became so intense, he awoke in his dream and turned to single vision in place of reality."

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